Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Official Casting Call for Elves!

Wellington's official call for Elven extras has appeared on TORn and TradeMe (NZ's auction and jobsearch site).

Applicants have to be between 17 and 40 years old, and women have to be at least 175cm tall (5'9"), while men have to be slightly taller at 183cm (6').

To apply, just turn up to the address listed, and get in line - I'm sure most of Wellington will be there (at least those tall enough).

Alternatively, if you can't make it there on the day - there's an "Apply Online" button on the TradeMe site, they will send you an application form instead. Please though - they will have LOADS of applications to deal with - only apply if you actually pass the height test! There will be other calls later for different races (I'm hoping for open calls for Men and Dwarves later).

Note also, that this is just the Wellington call - there may be others later in NZ cities closer to you; at least if you're in New Zealand. If you're not - perhaps that working holiday visa is becoming a good idea? (NB - having a visa is not a guarantee of getting into The hobbit, obviously! But NOT having a visa is a guarantee of NOT getting into the movie).

On a personal note - annoyingly, my son can apply although I'm too short. I expect that it will be years before he'll let me forget that. Maybe I'll get in as an Orc or something later, and we'll fight on opposite sides of the Battle of Five Armies. Let's see his pointy little ears then! Kids! Pah!


  1. I hope this time they don't cast any one with black eyebrows as an Elf. that was distracting.

  2. Work Holiday Visa? So in theory one could apply then get the visa should a job offer arise? How long are extras usually needed for?

  3. Lagomorph: I thought it drew more attention to how intensive Legolas looked... that and the "non-blinking" thing...

    Heike: Eat more, quickly! Or, (like me), wait for the next casting call!

    Em: No idea - I was on King Kong for five days, but I heard of people working there for 4 months as well. You just never know! Of course, you may end up not getting in, but I decided it's better to try, and fail, than it is to not try, and already fail. (But obviously it's even better to try and succeed... :)

  4. I pass the height restrictons and i am a New Zealand citizen, but i am only 14. Do you think i should still try?

  5. Oh alas that I am back in the states! Or worse yet with no way to get a visa. I already used up the NZ Working Holiday Visa last time I lived in Welly. The awful thing was I had to return home due to illness/serious circumstances midway through said visa. So I only used about 5 months of it! And I have it on good authourity that if I were to come back with the means to be an extra, I'd "get my eyebrows and hair bleached in a heartbeat!"

    I think the appropriate phrasing here would be, "o woe is moi."

  6. Charlotte,

    Tempting as it may be, I probably wouldn't bother... I'm 43 and didn't apply either (also, I'm too short!). It's a real shame but they probably won't consider you if you fall out of their limits.

    On the plus side, there will probably be other calls later, so you and I may be better suited for those roles!

    Good luck later!

    - Jack

  7. @The Lady Nerd

    Yeah, you could have been in New Zealand, instead of all that tedious mucking about, carrying Emmy's around... sounds pretty boring! NOT!! :)

    Hehe, pretty prestigeous! And pretty, to boot!

    - Jack

  8. Hey! I was there! Got photos!

    Check out my blog. Hope you like it. Love yours.

  9. @Garrett

    Great photos, cool blog, and awesome spending the morning with you today!

    - Jack


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