Saturday 31 January 2015

Rounding things off. NZ-Noldor is winding down.

As you may have noticed, this blog has been pretty inactive in the last few years. I've been concentrating my actions and attention running on the Wellington Tolkien Fellowship, instead.

One of the main reasons for starting the NZ Noldor blog was to provide an outlet for juicy gossip about the Hobbit movies. They have now, of course, all been released (with the exception of the last extended movie, due in 6 months or more).

As such, I've decided to let this blog wind down, and will relinquish the domain name "". The blog will continue to exist as the (free) subdomain of google,, which has in fact, always worked anyway. I will, in all likelihood, NOT be updating this site after this post (Ha! Famous last words!)

The only reason I haven't deleted it altogether is that there's a few people who follow it on twitter, and particularly on facebook, where there's sporadic discussions still going on. Also, I'm still seeing a fair amount of traffic looking through the archives. One particularly popular page was the report about the female orc in the Weta cave. Go figure!

So, in short:

If you want to continue following this blog, please change your visits to

If you want to continue reading about Hobbit and LOTR movie news, can I suggest the excellent sites Middle-earth News ("") and ("").

If you're local to Wellington (or elsewhere in New Zealand), I would recommend you follow the Wellington Tolkien group Welly-moot ("")

It's been fun - and I want to thank everyone over the years for providing me and our readers with tasty rumours and fun information about the fantastic Hobbit movies. Also, one final apology to PJ and the crew for all the times I got in the way. (Sorry, Matt!)  ;)

This is NZ Noldor, signing off!

  - Jack

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